Engineering & Metal - DISCLEAN

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DISCCLEAN is a liquid blend of surfactants and emulsifying agents in a specially inhibited inorganic acid-based solvent.DISC CLEANER is a liquid blend of surfactants and emulsifying agents in a specially inhibited inorganic acid-based solvent. DISCCLEAN removes the heavy tenacious deposits, which collect in fuel and lube oil centrifugal separators.

Application Description

DISCCLEAN may be used neat or diluted down to 20% by volume fresh water, depending on the severity of contamination, availability of heat and time to complete the cleaning operation. The higher the concentration the more efficient the cleaning action. The time for a cleaning operation will vary from 30 minutes to 4 hours, depending on the above factors. Fast and more efficient cleaning can be accomplished by heating to a maximum temperature of 600C. After the unit or parts have been satisfactory cleaned, the should be rinsed thoroughly with fresh water to remove all traces of contamination and cleaner.

Short Link (function($){ $.fn.brConfig = function( opts ) { var opt_length = opts.label.length; var row_length = opts.rows.length; var default_text = opts.default_text; return this.each(function(){ for(k=0;k'; if(sel != ''){ for(i=0;i 0) { adj = ' (+R'+opts.rows[i].adjust+')'; } options += ''; }else{ options += ''; } } display[opts.rows[i].options[next]] = opts.rows[i].options[next]; } } } $(options).appendTo(d); } next++; for(i=next;i<=opt_length;i++) { var d = $('#'+opts.form_id+'_configurable_'+i); d.html(''); $('').appendTo(d); } }); } }); }; })(jQuery); $('#form_2683').brConfig({"default_text":"","form_id":"2683","label":["Quantity"],"rows":[{"id":"1540","qty":"9999","adjust":"0.00","options":["25 Liters"]}]});$(function(){$('#form_2683').validate();}); " title="DISCLEAN" id="short_url" class="short_url" target="_blank" > 301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently
