Other - DE STAIN

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DE STAIN is a stain remover for the removal of stains from cockery and cutlery in a soak application. DE-STAIN is a free flowing powder with no odour. 

Application Description

DE-STAIN is ideal for the removal of tannin type stains, such as tea and coffee stains from crockery, cutlery, tea pots, urns, plastic and other inanimate surfaces Directions for use: For the removal of stains from crockery, dissolve 100grams of DE-STAIN in 5lts boiling hot water. Now simply immerse the crockery to be cleaned in this solution and allow to soak for +/- 5 minutes. Then simply remove and rinse with cold tap water. For heavily stained articles, increase the concentration to 200 grams of DE-STAIN in 5lts of hot water and allow to soak for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with tap water. For the cleaning of porcelain toilets, add 150grams in the bowl and allow to stand 30-40 minutes. Then use brush to remove loosened stains and flush toilet.

Short Link (function($){ $.fn.brConfig = function( opts ) { var opt_length = opts.label.length; var row_length = opts.rows.length; var default_text = opts.default_text; return this.each(function(){ for(k=0;k'; if(sel != ''){ for(i=0;i 0) { adj = ' (+R'+opts.rows[i].adjust+')'; } options += ''; }else{ options += ''; } } display[opts.rows[i].options[next]] = opts.rows[i].options[next]; } } } $(options).appendTo(d); } next++; for(i=next;i<=opt_length;i++) { var d = $('#'+opts.form_id+'_configurable_'+i); d.html(''); $('').appendTo(d); } }); } }); }; })(jQuery); $('#form_2672').brConfig({"default_text":"","form_id":"2672","label":["Quantity"],"rows":[{"id":"2112","qty":"10000","adjust":"0.00","options":["25kgs"]},{"id":"2113","qty":"10000","adjust":"0.00","options":["5kg"]}]});$(function(){$('#form_2672').validate();}); " title="DE STAIN" id="short_url" class="short_url" target="_blank" > 301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently
