Engineering & Metal - COROHIB 50

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COROHIB 50 is a solvent cutback corrosion inhibitor containing polar compounds and waxes. The product yields films, which are firm and waxy.

Application Description

COROHIB-50 can be applied using various techniques including dip, brush, roller or spray. COROHIB-50 is designed for long term protection on both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Surfaces to be protected should be cleaned and dried for best results. Rust, dirt, scale, paint and other contaminants should be removed before applying COROHIB-50. Product must be used undiluted. If the product thickens due to cold storage of loss of solvents during use, then add white spirits (mineral turps) to restore original consistency.

Short Link (function($){ $.fn.brConfig = function( opts ) { var opt_length = opts.label.length; var row_length = opts.rows.length; var default_text = opts.default_text; return this.each(function(){ for(k=0;k'; if(sel != ''){ for(i=0;i 0) { adj = ' (+R'+opts.rows[i].adjust+')'; } options += ''; }else{ options += ''; } } display[opts.rows[i].options[next]] = opts.rows[i].options[next]; } } } $(options).appendTo(d); } next++; for(i=next;i<=opt_length;i++) { var d = $('#'+opts.form_id+'_configurable_'+i); d.html(''); $('').appendTo(d); } }); } }); }; })(jQuery); $('#form_2662').brConfig({"default_text":"","form_id":"2662","label":["Quantity"],"rows":[{"id":"1535","qty":"10000","adjust":"0.00","options":["25 Liters"]}]});$(function(){$('#form_2662').validate();}); " title="COROHIB 50" id="short_url" class="short_url" target="_blank" > 301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently
