Food & Beverage - CHLORFOAM

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CHLORFOAM is a clear straw coloured liquid with a chlorine odour. It is a specialized foaming cleaner-sanitizer formulated for the food industry. CHLORFOAM contains alkalies, wetting agents, chlorinated compounds, foaming agents and corrosion inhibitors.

Application Description

For General Cleaning /Sanitizing: Dilute 1-part of CHLORFOAM to 25-parts water, where light soiling is encountered use at a dilution ratio of 1:50 water. The temperature should not exceed 600C as the stability of the chlorine will be effected. For High Pressure Cleaning: Dilute 1-part CHLORFOAM to 50-parts water and for light soiled cleaning use at a dilution ratio of 1:100 parts water. For Heavy Duty Foam or Pressure Cleaning: Increase CHLORFOAM concentration until desired results are obtained. CHLORFOAM can be used via any foam dispensing unit and high-pressure machines.

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