Spotting Agents

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DYNAKLOR is a highly concentrated organic chlorine bleaching powder for use in laundries. It contains chlorinated compounds, phosphates and...

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DYNASPOT 2 is a wet spotting agent to remove tannin-containing stains such as coffee, tea, cola, fruit juice and leather stains

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DYNASPOT 3 Golden yellow water-soluble liquid. Ammoniated reaction (alkaline) stain remover

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OXIDENE is a water white liquid chlorine free bleaching agent. It contains oxidizing agents and stabilizers.

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OXISAN is a clear water white liquid with a strong acetic Acid smell. It contains oxygenated compounds, sequestering agents and acidifiers.

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P.O.G. is an orange liquid with a characteristic odour. P.O.G. is used as a spotting chemical in dry cleaning and laundry plants, as well as carpet...

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RUSTIGO is a wet spotting agent to remove rust stains

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DYNASPOT is a laundry and dry cleaning spotting kit consisting of four items as pre-spotting agent that facilitates removal of most wide stubborn...

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