Laundry - ALKALI LD

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ALKALI LD is a liquid concentrated blend of alkalies, phosphates and suspending agents, as well as anti scaling agents and corrosion inhibitors. ALKALI LD exhibits superior soil suspension, soil removal, and efficient rinsing and water hardness neutralization.

Application Description

In a once wash process add 250ml of ALKALI-LD with the detergent to a 45kg load. Follow with three rinses. In a two process add 250ml ALKALI-LD in the first wash and 250ml in the second wash. Follow with three cold or hot rinses.

Short Link (function($){ $.fn.brConfig = function( opts ) { var opt_length = opts.label.length; var row_length = opts.rows.length; var default_text = opts.default_text; return this.each(function(){ for(k=0;k'; if(sel != ''){ for(i=0;i 0) { adj = ' (+R'+opts.rows[i].adjust+')'; } options += ''; }else{ options += ''; } } display[opts.rows[i].options[next]] = opts.rows[i].options[next]; } } } $(options).appendTo(d); } next++; for(i=next;i<=opt_length;i++) { var d = $('#'+opts.form_id+'_configurable_'+i); d.html(''); $('').appendTo(d); } }); } }); }; })(jQuery); $('#form_2563').brConfig({"default_text":"","form_id":"2563","label":["Quantity"],"rows":[{"id":"957","qty":"10000","adjust":"0.00","options":["10 Kgs"]}]});$(function(){$('#form_2563').validate();}); " title="ALKALI LD" id="short_url" class="short_url" target="_blank" > 301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently
